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An Escape Room in an Envelope!


The Dupe


When a reputable Finnish Art Dealer brokers a deal that isn’t what it seems, he unwittingly puts his life at risk… now on the run, he’s hidden a secret message in an online vault and left a series of 7 clues to the passcode – who do you think can uncover the message?

Players: 1-4 Age: 14+ Time: 45-60 minutes


The Split


Siena Sudlow thought she was living the popstar dream, until she becomes embroiled in a scandal she never saw coming. She needs to escape and has locked away a secret message in an online vault and left 7 clues to unlock the vault – who’s up for cracking the case?

Players: 1-4 Age: 14+ Time: 45-60 minutes


The Missed Flight


In a story of lies and corruption, Lucy Kingston has been forced into hiding and left a secret message hidden in an online vault. She’s left a series of clues to the 7 digit passcode – know someone who’s up to the challenge? 

Players: 1-4 Age: 14+ Time: 45-60 minutes


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    Last guaranteed Christmas delivery 15th December

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